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We are one of the best places to find local lawn companies in NZ. We have one of the largest collection of independent lawn care companies in New Zealand.
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These are feedbacks from our visitors that have used us to find their perfect lawn mowing services in New Zealand.
Some of the main questions and answers of lawn mowing in New Zealand.
Going rate for lawn mowing in New Zealand for private property starts from $30 and can go up to $100 depending on the size of your lawn. For an average size lawn that takes about an hour to mow will cost you around $45 to $55. To get the best rate for lawn mowing it’s wise to get multiple quotes from local lawn mowing companies.
On average you should get your lawns mowed every 30 days in summer and about 20 days in winter. The length of time before mowing your lawns will be determined by the weather conditions and the type of grass you have. During winter the lawns will grow much quicker so will have to be mowed more frequently and in summer the grass will grow slower so doesn’t have to be mowed that often.
Yes mowing is great for the lawns as it promotes growth. If lawn mowing is done correctly, it will promote growth and make the lawns much tougher.
Cutting wet grass is not recommended as it can damage your lawns and can affect the growth of your lawn. Wet grass can be harder to mow as the cut grass will stick to the mower and will affect its performance. So if you can avoid cutting wet grass then it’s wise to leave it until it’s nice and dry.
Yes frequent mowing of laws will make your lawn much thicker and grow much faster. The reason behind this is because the tip of each blade contains hormones that suppress horizontal growth. When you cut the lawn, you remove these tips allowing the grass to spread and grow thicker near the roots.
Yes leaving the grass clippings on the lawn is better for the lawns as it will provide natural fertilizer for your lawns. It will take about a week for the lawn clippings to start decomposing and start releasing nutrients and moisture back into the soil. This will increase the growth of your lawns and make it much healthier